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Collins Cathedral Analysis Book Petty Cash 150/7/14.1 812150/8
Product Code: CL1507141
Pack Of 1
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Ideal for manual book keeping, this analysis book by Collins Cathedral features 96 pages of azure ledger paper perfect for keeping track of your accounts. Whether used for office or home business, the 7 debit and 14 credit columns per page together with column and line numbering make it easy for you to keep records of incoming and outgoing money. The red leather grain cover is extremely durable and hard-wearing and is supplied with product information and a ruling guide.
Ideal for manual book keeping, this analysis book by Collins Cathedral features 96 pages of azure ledger paper perfect for keeping track of your accounts. Whether used for office or home business, the 7 debit and 14 credit columns per page together with column and line numbering make it easy for you to keep records of incoming and outgoing money. The red leather grain cover is extremely durable and hard-wearing and is supplied with product information and a ruling guide.
41 lines per page with column and line numbering
7 Debit 14 Credit Columns across opening
7 Debit 14 Credit Petty Cash
7 Debit and 14 Credit columns per page
96 page accounting book
96 pages (48 sheets)
Casebound in durable red Leathergrain
Collins analysis book
Cover colour: red
Each sheet is printed with line and column
Fully cased in durable red leather grain
High quality 80gsm laid azure paper
Ideal for home or office use
Page size: 297x315mm
Pages: 96
Record and organise your accounting transactions
Sidebound notebook
Size: 297x315mm
1362389713623897JDF66069Black n' Red Casebound Ruled Hardback Notebook A4 100080473
1362577613625776JDM71990Challenge Duplicate Receipt Book 200 Sets 280x141mm 100080056
1363455113634551CL1504161Collins Cathedral Analysis Book Petty Cash 96 Pages 4 Debit 16 Credit Columns 812147/8
1363626113636261PI32278Pilot FriXion Erasable Rollerball Fine Blue (Pack of 12) 224101203
1363638913636389SH02444Sharp Silver 10-Digit Semi-Desktop Calculator EL-331ER
1365542513655425JDD66174Black n' Red Casebound Ruled Hardback Notebook A4 (Pack of 5) 100080446
JDF66069JDF66069JDF66069Black n' Red Casebound Ruled Hardback Notebook A4 100080473
JDM71990JDM71990JDM71990Challenge Duplicate Receipt Book 200 Sets 280x141mm 100080056
CL1504161CL1504161CL1504161Collins Cathedral Analysis Book Petty Cash 96 Pages 4 Debit 16 Credit Columns 812147/8
PI32278PI32278PI32278Pilot FriXion Erasable Rollerball Fine Blue (Pack of 12) 224101203
SH02444SH02444SH02444Sharp Silver 10-Digit Semi-Desktop Calculator EL-331ER
JDD66174JDD66174JDD66174Black n' Red Casebound Ruled Hardback Notebook A4 (Pack of 5) 100080446
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